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  • Writer's picturePaul Lymer

Italian Seafood Risotto Recipe

This delightful Italian Seafood Risotto is a culinary masterpiece that knows no bounds when it comes to celebration. Originally prepared for Christmas Eve festivities, its allure has extended beyond the holiday season, making it a gourmet delight suitable for any time of the year.

Imagine a dish where succulent prawns and tender scallops dance harmoniously amidst grains of perfectly cooked Arborio rice. Each bite is a journey to the sun-kissed Italian coastline, where the essence of the sea melds with the richness of the land.

Seafood Risotto Recipe
Seafood Risotto

This risotto's allure is not limited to its taste alone. Every spoonful promises to captivate your senses, leaving you craving more.

Whether you're seeking to create lasting memories with your loved ones during the festive season or simply craving a taste of Italy's coastal delicacies throughout the year, this Italian Seafood Risotto will be the crown jewel of your dining table.

So, don your apron, gather the freshest ingredients, and embark on a culinary adventure with this Italian Seafood Risotto recipe that promises to enchant your palate and transport you to the shores of Italy - anytime, anywhere.

Italian Seafood Risotto

Time: 50 min

Servings: 4

Diet: Pesc

The perfect Christmas lunch first course

In Italy, Christmas Eve is a time for great celebration and enjoying a fantastic feast with family and friends. Dishes are largely seafood-based to mark a sense of purity with the Catholic faith, and a seafood risotto is a popular choice that makes an appearance on many Italian Christmas tables.

Risotto, in general, is a common primo (first course) in Italy - it’s light and delicate, making it the perfect appetiser. On Christmas Eve, many Italian families enjoy up to 12 courses, so a seafood risotto is a great way to start the celebrations off. Good quality, fresh seafood is also a must, and many Italians often spend hours queuing at fish mongers and market stalls for the best and freshest produce for the perfect festive feast. Other popular seafood dishes include salmon crostini, baked scallops, and polenta e baccalá alla Vicentina, a Viennese-style cod with polenta.  

Italian Seafood Risotto Recipe


4 tbsp Olive Oil with Lemon (plus extra to serve)

3 tsp Diced Garlic

225g scallops

225g prawns, peeled and deveined

Salt and pepper

1 tsp chilli flakes

150ml White Wine

2 tsp Lemon Juice

Bunch of fresh parsley, chopped (feel free to add any herbs that you have, fennel fronds, dill, marjoram or fresh oregano all work)

1l fish or vegetable stock

1 tbsp butter

1 onion, diced

350g Arborio Rice

Cooking method:

  1. Heat 3 tbsp of olive oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Add the garlic and cook for 2 minutes until fragrant.

  2. Add the scallops and cook for 1 minute, followed by the shrimp. Turn the heat up slightly and continue to cook for another 3 minutes, turning occasionally. Season with salt, pepper, and chilli flakes.

  3. Pour in half of the wine (about 75ml) and scrape the bottom of the pan to avoid losing any flavour. Let that simmer for a few minutes until the wine has reduced. Turn off the heat, add the lemon juice, and stir in a few handfuls of fresh parsley. Set your scallops and shrimp aside.

  4. Next, make the risotto. Start by Bringing the stock to a simmer over a medium heat. Meanwhile, in a wide-based pan, melt the butter over a low-medium heat and add the remaining tbsp of olive oil. Add the diced onion and cook for around 10 minutes until soft.

  5. Add the arborio rice to the onions and toast for 3 minutes. Pour in the rest of the wine and simmer until it has been absorbed.

  6. Add a ladle of stock to the rice and stir until absorbed. Continue to add the stock, one ladle at a time, until the rice is tender, and all the liquid has been absorbed. This should take around 15-20 minutes.

  7. A few minutes before the end whilst a little stock is still left to absorb, add the cooked shrimp and scallops to the rice and combine.

  8. Remove from the heat, drizzle with extra olive oil and fresh parsley, and rest for 2-3 minutes before serving.

In conclusion

This Italian Seafood Risotto is a true celebration of flavours, bringing the essence of the Mediterranean to your dining table. With its delectable blend of succulent seafood, creamy Arborio rice, and aromatic herbs, this dish transcends festive occasions and becomes an anytime delicacy that delights the senses.

The versatility of this risotto allows you to relish the taste of Italy's coastal cuisine all year round, bringing joy and indulgence to every mealtime. Whether you're savouring it with loved ones on a special Christmas Eve or treating yourself to a luxurious feast on any day, the Italian Seafood Risotto will never fail to impress.

So, take a culinary journey to the Italian coastline, where the sun-kissed shores and the bounty of the sea come together in perfect harmony. Let this sumptuous dish be the centrepiece of your gatherings, igniting laughter and fond memories among family and friends. In every exquisite spoonful, you'll discover the artistry and passion of Italian cooking, crafted with care and love. Embrace the rich flavours, the delightful aromas, and the comforting warmth of this Italian Seafood Risotto. Bon voyage to Italy's culinary paradise, right from your very own kitchen.

Buon Appetito!

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