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  • Writer's picturePaul Lymer

No-yeast Easy Homemade Focaccia Recipe

Our delectable no-yeast focaccia is a delightful twist on the classic Italian bread. Crafted with care and expertise, our yeast-free focaccia offers a unique texture and speedy but delicious bread. Made with baking powder, this focaccia maintains its signature lightness and airy crumb, while delivering a distinct taste that will captivate your senses. Perfectly seasoned with fragrant herbs, drizzled with luscious olive oil, and topped with a sprinkling of sea salt, our yeast-free focaccia is a mouth-watering treat that will satisfy your cravings.

Whether you have dietary restrictions or simply want to explore a different take on this beloved bread, our no-yeast focaccia is a scrumptious option.

Experience the deliciousness of freshly baked focaccia, even without yeast, and elevate your meals with this quick and easy bread.

Focaccia without yeast
No Yeast Focaccia

Focaccia made without yeast

Servings: 2

Time: 40min

Diet: Veg

Super fast no-yeast focaccia

Using simple pantry staples, whip up this Italian classic at home in no time. This focaccia recipe is yeast-free, meaning you don’t have to wait hours for the dough to prove. Ideal for kids and family meals, focaccia makes a perfect starter, snack, or side dish, and it goes perfectly with family-friendly dinners such as spaghetti bolognese or lasagne.

Gluten-free focaccia

The milk in this recipe can also be adapted to suit any dietary needs, such as oat or soya, or other plant-based alternatives, and the flour can we swapped for a gluten-free option.

Focaccia dips and extra flavours

Focaccia is great for dipping in olive oil or balsamic vinegar, which helps keep the bread moist while adding extra flavour. The olive oil and balsamic vinegar ranges offer a wide variety of seasonings to compliment your focaccia while adding an authentic taste of Italy.

Fun fact: the name “focaccia” comes from the Roman term “panis focacius”, which means “hearth bread” and is a form of flatbread. Traditionally, focaccia was baked in coals by the Romans and, in some Italian regions, focaccia is referred to as “pizza bianca”, meaning “white pizza”.

No-Yeast Focaccia Recipe



3 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

320g plain flour, plus extra for kneading

2 ½ tsp baking powder

1 tbsp chopped fresh herbs (thyme, rosemary, chives or basil, plus extra to garnish)

3 finely chopped cloves of Garlic

1 tsp sea salt

1/2 tsp pepper

120ml water

120ml milk (of your choice)

How to cook your Focaccia without yeast

Cooking method

1. Pre-heat the oven to 190°C/170°C fan/gas 5. Grease a (roughly) 20cm-wide baking tray with a splash of olive oil and line with baking parchment.

Quick tip: you can use a round loose-bottom baking tin to make it easier to remove the focaccia when baked.

2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, herbs, garlic, salt and pepper. Add the water, milk and olive oil and mix using a spatula.

3. Dust your work surface with flour and transfer the dough from the bowl. Knead for 1 minute, adding more flour as needed. The dough should be lightly sticky and a little bit tacky. If you’re unsure what this means or what the dough should look like, have a look at our cooking video at the bottom of the page.

Quick tip: yeast is traditionally used in focaccia recipes, which can cause quite a wet dough, making it trickier to handle. This recipe makes the dough much easier to work with with the absence of yeast, but be sure to use plenty of extra flour when kneading.

4. Grease your hands with a little olive oil and transfer the kneaded dough to the baking tray. Press the dough into an even layer, then use your fingertips (or the end of a wooden spoon handle) to make shallow indents across the dough. Drizzle the remaining olive oil over the top of the dough (some of it should sit in the indents), and sprinkle with extra herbs.

Quick tip: you could add extra toppings at this stage, such as sun-dried tomatoes or olives.

5. Place the dough in the oven and bake for 20-25min until lightly golden. Remove from the oven and leave to cool slightly. Slice and serve with an optional garnish of sea salt and fresh herbs, olive oil or garlic allioli on the side for dipping.

Ways to enjoy your delicious Focaccia 

Focaccia is a versatile and delicious Italian bread that can be enjoyed in various ways. Here are a few ideas on how to use and eat focaccia:

Sandwiches: Slice the focaccia horizontally and use it as a bread for making flavourful sandwiches. Fill it with your favourite ingredients like roasted vegetables, cheese, deli meats, or spreads for a tasty meal.

Dipping: Cut the focaccia into strips or cubes and serve it alongside a selection of dips such as hummus, baba ganoush, or marinara sauce. The soft texture of the bread is perfect for soaking up the flavours.

Bruschetta: Toast slices of focaccia and top them with fresh tomatoes, basil, garlic, and a drizzle of olive oil for a delightful bruschetta appetiser.

Pizza Base: Use focaccia as a base for making individual-sized pizzas. Top it with your favourite sauce, cheese, and toppings, then bake until the cheese is melted and bubbling.

Panini: Press sliced focaccia with your preferred fillings in a panini press or grill it in a pan to create a crispy and satisfying panini sandwich.

Breakfast or Brunch: Toasted or fresh focaccia can be enjoyed for breakfast or brunch. Spread some butter, jam, or cream cheese on it, or serve it alongside eggs, smoked salmon, or avocado for a delicious start to the day.

Tear and Share: Tear off pieces of warm focaccia and serve it as part of a bread basket or as a side to soups, stews, or pasta dishes.

Remember, the possibilities with focaccia are endless, so feel free to get creative and experiment with your favourite flavours and combinations. Enjoy!

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